Measuring for integral blinds in glass is easy.
Measurements for the purpose of obtaining a quote ought be done in millimetres or centimetres.
Expressed as width x height. ie 460mm x 1135mm is understood to mean 460mm wide and 1135mm high.
1) Commercial: Integral Blinds for an Office Fit Out for Atlantic Contracts
2) Commercial: Brand New Hospital in South West Ireland
3) Commercial: Brand New Hospital - Bridgwater Somerset
4) Residential: Integral Blinds Retrofit into existing Bifold Doors in Roker in Sunderland
5) Residential: Reynaers Bifold door and Integral Blinds in Basingstoke
6) Residential: Origin Global Bifold door and Integral Blinds in Bromley Cross
Once you place your order we will come out and measure up to obtain exact manufacturing sizes.